Top Talent isn’t discovered.
It’s developed.

We help companies develop and retain high-potential immigrant women.

Work with us to:

✔︎ Uplevel star performers.

✔︎ Train hiring managers on cultural intelligence.

✔︎ Diversify the leadership pipeline at pace and at scale.

Myth: the largest barrier to women’s career advancement is the Glass Ceiling.

Reality: It’s the Broken Rung, the first promotion from entry-level to manager.

And it disproportionately impacts immigrant women and women of color.

Unlock top talent. Fast.

Hyper-targeted training programs. Backed by proprietary research.

As seen in

DEI without the B.S.

As a corporate executive committed to diversity, Fix The Broken Rung founder Amal Masri invested precious budget dollars in DEI programs that fell flat. These sessions ranged from pedantic and overly complicated to uplifting, feel-good, do-nothing content. Either way, her leadership team didn’t get what they needed: practical tactics they could apply to everyday scenarios and deliverables.

Fix The Broken Rung was built on the belief that leaders don’t need more DEI jargon or DEI inspiration. They need real-world use cases and pragmatic toolkits to tackle cultural issues impacting business growth.

We’ve partnered with clients to deliver on objectives that range from developing and retaining high-potential women to centering excluded voices in project teams to growing market share in BIPOC and immigrant communities. Through precise design, applied skills training, and thoughtful change management, we help companies hit targets and elevate performance. Efficiently and effectively.

Inclusion, done right, is a productivity driver.

Our Services

Most companies struggle to diversify the leadership pipeline with both speed and sustainability.

That's where Fix the Broken Rung comes in.

We tackle the leadership pipeline from all angles, delivering targeted solutions for the talent, the hiring managers, and the organization as a whole.

For the C-Suite and HR

You’re looking to accelerate and diversify your leadership pipeline at scale, with a focus on women, racialized people, and immigrants. We’re experts on all three, and our methodologies are backed by proven results. 

Empower your managers to build high-performing teams by providing them with the tools to foster culturally intelligent workplace. We offer keynotes, workshops, and strategy consulting on inclusive leadership & talent development, cultural intelligence, and intersectional gender equity. 

For Hiring Managers

You’re committed to diversity, but you don’t have the bandwidth to develop your high-potentials as quickly as you’d like. Our hyper-targeted leadership accelerator bridges racial, gender, and cultural gaps, preparing high-potentials for a larger scope of strategic accountability and rapid career progression.

By investing in your existing talent, you can expect measurable improvements in strategic thinking, stakeholder management, communication, and conflict resolution in as little as six weeks.

For Ambitious Women of Color

You're a highly educated, skilled, and driven woman of color with big dreams. You know you have what it takes to be a leader, but navigating the corporate world feels like uncharted territory. At Fix the Broken Rung, we get it because we've been there. 

Our career accelerator and masterclasses are bootcamps on getting shit done in corporate. Designed BY women of color who’ve climbed the ladder, FOR the next gen of hustlers and go-getters. Lock in a promotion strategy, accelerate your growth, and get paid what you deserve.